Hello, and welcome to another tutorial by Emily Drawing! Today’s tutorial is all about drawing the walrus! We will take you through nine easy steps to draw this large sea animal.
Walruses are pinnipeds, and they’re part of a marine mammal group with sea lions and seals. While they spend the majority of their time in the ocean, they can come on land for lengthy periods.
In addition, walruses are large marine mammals, but their actual size depends on their gender and location. Atlantic walruses are about 8 feet long and 2,000 pounds. Male Pacific walruses measure 9 to 12 feet long and up to 3,748 pounds, while female Pacific walruses are about 7.5 to 10 feet long and up to 2,756 pounds.
It’s time to get started on the tutorial for drawing a walrus. Grab your colored pencils or markers, and learn how to draw this pinniped marine mammal.

- a piece of paper
- a pencil for the guiding lines and sketching
- an eraser
- a black Sharpie or a pen for the outlines
- markers or colored pencils for coloring
- our printable drawing guide (Join my Email List below to get this Tutorial)
Here are my RECOMMENDED Art Supplies!
- Crayola Coloring Set (140 Pieces – Mega Value!)
- 24 Colored Crayon Set
- A4 Printer Paper
- Crayola Coloring Pencils
- HP Home Printer with Instant Ink!
Time needed:
15 minutes.
How to Draw a Walrus — Let’s get started!
Step 1 – Draw The Walrus’ Head

Start by drawing the walrus’ head, which is just the top of an oval or a line that curves upward. A walrus’ head is square and flat-topped, so it makes more sense to draw an oval rather than a circle.
Step 2 – Draw The Walrus’ Back and Tail

Next, draw the walrus’ back, which curves outward for a sitting position. The back connects to the tail, which you’ll leave open for now. The rest of the walrus’ body is going to connect to the open space.
Step 3 – Draw The Walrus’ Rear Flippers

For this step, you’ll add both the rear flippers to the tail. The rear flippers are a long, triangular shape, with several small lines for the claws. They’re used for propelling and can be rotated to walk on all four flippers.
Step 4 – Draw The Walrus’ First Front Flipper

Now, you’ll draw the walrus’ first front flipper, also known as the fore flipper. These flippers are short and square with a small hidden claw. The front flipper is pretty easy to draw, and you don’t have to add any lines for the claws.
Step 5 – Draw The Walrus’ Front Side

The next step is to draw the front side, which includes the belly and chest. This is a very easy step because you’re only drawing a wide, curved line that starts near the bottom of the fore flipper and connects to the head.
Step 6 – Draw The Walrus’ Second Front Flipper

You’re only going to draw the end of the second fore flipper. The walrus is in a sitting position, so the entire flipper doesn’t show because it’s hidden behind the belly. Fun fact: The front flippers are used for steering in the water and walking on land.
Step 7 – Draw The Walrus’ Mouth and Tusks

Next, you’ll draw the mouth and tusks. The mouth is a round shape with a few lines for the mouth, and the tusks stick out from the bottom of the mouth. Did you know that walrus’ tusks are big canine teeth? They’re used for climbing on ice, protecting against predators, and fighting each other.
Step 8 – Draw The Walrus’ Face

Now, you’ll add the walrus’ face. This includes the eyes, nostrils, and whiskers. In reality, a walrus has about 400 to 700 whiskers around its mouth. The whiskers help walruses find food in dark, foggy, or dangerous waters.
Step 9 – Color In Your Drawing!

Now, it’s time for the best part: coloring in your walrus drawing! We’ve chosen to color our walrus brown with a tan mouth, gray nostrils, and white tusks (ivory is the actual color of walrus’ tusks). However, you can also color your walrus gray, white, or pink, as the color depends on their age, environment, and activity. However, the general color of walruses is cinnamon-brown. If you’re drawing a baby, calves are born with ash-gray to brown fur. They turn tawny-brown within one to two weeks. Of course, you also want to color the background to ensure your picture captures the scene you have in mind. You may want to draw and color a walrus waiting for its prey underwater, or maybe your walrus is relaxing on the beach.
Pin it now, Draw later!

Interesting Facts About The Walrus
Walruses are very social mammals and prefer to travel and rest in large groups. However, they’re not social with humans and will defend themselves when provoked.
Walrus calves are born on ice, and they’re about 4.26 feet long and 187 pounds. Mother walruses are very protective of their calves, going as far as picking them up for safety, especially since they have babies infrequently.
The Atlantic and Pacific walruses are found in various areas of the Arctic. There are about 25,000 Atlantic and 200,000 Pacific walruses in the wild.
Did You Know?
- The Atlantic walruses are found in Canada, Norway, Greenland, and Russia.
- The Pacific walruses are found between Russia and Alaska, including the Bering Sea, Chukchi Seas, and the Laptev Sea.
- Walruses prefer to eat soft-bodied marine organisms. Their diet includes clams, soft-shell crabs, snails, shrimps, sea cucumbers, worms, and mollusks.
- Walruses have thick layers of blubber on their bodies to keep them warm in freezing waters.
- A walrus’ average lifespan is 30 to 40 years, with walruses living up to 30 years in captivity.
We hope you enjoyed our “How To Draw A Walrus” tutorial. You’re welcome to share your drawing with us by posting on social media with #EmilyDrawing! If you want to learn how to draw other sea or land animals, check out the tutorials on our site. We offer a range of east drawing tutorials.